16 Sept 2011

A Visit to Remember ......

My trip to Agra

On Friday, me, my mum, my grandma, my brother, and my mum’s friend, left our house at 6:00 in the morning to go to Agra by car. We left early because we wanted to be at the Taj before it got to hot in the afternoon and before it got really crowded. We reached at about… 10:30, but instead of going straight to the Taj, we went to our hotel where we were going to stay the night. The hotel was called- ITC Mughal.  IT’s a 5-Star hotel, and it was amazing! We decided that we would just stay and chill at our awesome hotel and the next morning we would wake up at 5 and see the Taj Mahal, which was only 5 minutes away from our hotel. At the hotel, me and Aash played ping pong and I beat Aash on most of the matches. J Then we rode the tandem bikes around the garden area of the hotel and then played ping pong again. Then later in the evening we went to have a late lunch at a roof-top street restaurant which had a beautiful view of the Taj Mahal. This photo was the view of it-
Later that night, we had an early dinner at a restaurant in the hotel. We had a slow cooked leg of lamb which was cooked for 48 hours. It was delicious and the meat melted in your mouth. After the dinner, we were so tired and went to sleep early as we had to wake up so early in the morning.
“Bringinginginging” Out hotel phone rang. It was my mum telling us to wake up and get ready in 15 minutes.We got ready, hopped in the car, and drove to the Taj Mahal. We stepped through these huge gates walking past some monkeys- oh wait, that was Aash. Lol kidding. - And we saw one of the 8 wonders of the world right in front of us. It was so amazing; I actually got to see it this time! J

We walked around it and inside it taking heaps of photos. It was awesome that I got to touch something hundred years old.After hanging there for 2 hours. We went back to the hotel and had a little rest, then got ready to go back home as there was school tomorrow.We reached home at about 6pm and I was really tired by sitting in the car for 5 hours and the early morning’s that I didn’t feel like studying for the science test the next day. But I had to.

Yeeaah, that was my trip to Agra! :D

-Aana (Grade-8)


  1. am sure you enjoyed a lot . keep churning out fabulous write ups! well written Aana

  2. Nice to read your reactions after a first trip to the Taj. Despite having seen thousands of pictures of it, I remember being astonished at its huge size when I finally got there.
