2 Dec 2011

   “When you're a little kid you're a bit of everything; Scientist, Philosopher, Artist. Sometimes it seems like growing up is giving these things up one at a time”

Dear parents
Don’t we all know how fast our own days went past; Growing up was  never easy. I still want to  hold on to things that were as I  wonder what's to come. But as Abraham Lincoln said “You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.” so GROW we all did and I guess ,are still …….
As stakeholders of our childrens' world ,lets  help them grow into perfect rounded personalities ;who retain the bit of the Scientist ,Philosopher and Artist in them. They are blossoming into young ladies and gentlemen ,all set to make us proud .lets peep into their world of experiences and see what they have brought forth his time  .

Aprajita Ralli 
 Co-Form tutor

British School Trip

we enjoyed  what we did ...

Mr. Anil  -  our mentor 

our creation

great minds at work !!!

On the 1st of December 2011, 6 members of Pathways School Noida from Middle School went on a trip to the British School for an art project. We left at 7:30 in the morning and arrived at 8:30. We were sent to the assembly hall for an introduction to all the schools that came. There were at least 15 schools that came to the British School. They started the day with singing, they sang songs about peace and gave us a presentation of what peace means to them. They then told us what we had to do for the project and then we were sent outside to our table to start our project.
Our first project was to draw and paint something that resembles peace onto a kite; we finished it in 1 hour. After that, we breakfast. For breakfast they had really nice cake and samosa, along with different varieties of drinks. After that we had to paint a sculpture of a bird coming out of an egg; Sohini and Ketan did that and I helped a little bit too. That was a fun thing we did. After a fun day, we headed to the buses back to school.
-Aash Kambhoj (Grade 8)

Interview with Mrs. Sunanda Sandhir (Principal of the Middle School

How much progress do you think the school has made?
The school has made a progress in many ways. I am mentioning the physical part. Building contruction work has been completed and  now we have a  Cafeteria and separate  Sports block.. Our sports facilities have alos bettered .The students are actively using  swimming pool and there is horse riding facility too. Number of midddle school students have grown to 41 this year from 21 last year.  
Do you like the idea of being responsible for the student's safety?

I like taking responsibilities of  my students. Their safety is one of the most essential aspect.
Do you find that being a middle school principal is hard?

There are challenges but because I love working with children I do not find it hard.
Can you give us one of the challenges that you’ve faced up till now?
One of the challenges is to motivate students to meet deadlines and while doing so, use all learning opportunities that are provided to the students .
What was your career before coming to this school?
I have always been an educationist Mathematics and ICT have been my areas of specialization. In my last job before joining this school, I was an education officer in an organization that sets up new schools and also manages them. 
How many years have you been practicing to achieve this career?
I started my career 19 years ago.
Do you love the students here in Pathways School Noida?
Of course! I really love the students here and I connect with them a lot.

-Swagata & Aana (Grade 8)

Sports in Our School

Sports in our School:
Sports activities  in our school are very  nice, we get to be involved in many games for  e.g: Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Cricket, Table Tennis, Golf, Squash, etc.
Past two weeks we have been busy with  the inter house basketball for senior and middle school, they were great fun ! In the senior school, Earth House stood first(boys) and Air house ( girls)came first. In Middle School, Water House  stood first, and the second and third position was bagged  by Fire House and Air House. There was a great team spirit we all saw and experienced on the ground that day .  I scored 14 points and  can proudly say that I was the third highest scorer of the game.
We really enjoyed the game and would be very happy if many more such matches are organized in the school . I love  all the sports activities we have here at Pathways
Team  discussions!

Three cheers to Pathways ,Noida

Teachers' support 

teams in action

Mr Deepak ...our  motivating force 
-Tanish (Grade -8)

Math Lessons

“Arithmetic is where the answer is right and everything is nice and you can look out of the window and see the blue sky - or the answer is wrong and you have to start over and try again and see how it comes out this time.”
Carl Sandburg
 Yes that what the concept is. I have always believed - try-try and you will succeed. All that is required to be good in Mathematics is practice. After all, practice makes perfect. Well our Maths lesson is not like any other Maths lesson; in fact it is one of the lessons we look forward to. There are many reasons for  that. - One being the fact that we get to use our laptops. We all love to work on our laptops, I mean we’re in the 21st century and we don’t want to write on paper when we already have laptops. Miss Sunanda (Our Maths Teacher) uploads assignments on Moodle. For those who don’t know what Moodle is, it’s an online document where you can upload assignments. Miss also uploads videos on Youtube, and trusts me it’s a wonderful opportunity for all of us to get to learn new things. We can watch these videos again and again till we understand the entire concept .We do a lot of self-studying, which enhances our comprehension skills. I personally have learned new things like uploading videos on Youtube, how to print-screen files and how to use the calculator to its optimum always exciting when we can do things on our own and our Math lessons give us that opportunity
-Parth (Grade 8)

Trip To Red Fort

the walk ....

The Monument

our resource Person : Ms. Smita Vats  from Itihaas

On the 29th of last month we the students of middle school went for a field trip to the Red fort or the Quila-e-Mubarak. It was an educational field trip organized by Itihaas. It made us realize that architecture of the time was way ahead . The resource person Ms.Smita Vats not only  focused on architecture but also went into history and battles of Shah jahan’s reign . The Red fort was first named Quila-e-Mubarak. It was first made out of red sandstone then given a coating of white plaster. On this plaster there were rare jewels and gems. But after the decline of the Mughal era there were raids that took place and the jewels and gems were stolen. When the British arrived they saw nothing miraculous in the fort and thus named it the red fort. This field trip made us realize that we Indians had the basic technology even before the west did. We had a long and tiring but a very thrilling walk through the monument . I wish we had many more such trips !

-Tanmay (Grade -8)


Wow. Where can I start? My cats! I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. They’re so adorable! And they’re like my best friends! J
When I was in New Zealand, I had three cats – Goma (girl), Cookie (girl) & Gingy (boy).
And right now, in India, I have one – Biscuit (boy).

Goma is so adorable! I love her black fur. I had Goma for six years. She used to sleep on my bed at nights and cuddle into me in the cold evenings. Unfortunately, I had to leave her in New Zealand with our neighbours as we couldn’t bring her along with us to India. I miss her terribly as she was so close to me and was like my best friend. LOVE YOU.

Oh cookie. Whenever I think of her, I feel sad, because on April 24th 2009, she went missing. We looked everywhere for her and even on the coldest day we walked all around our neighbourhood to search for her. But unfortunately we couldn’t find her. We have no idea if she’s alive or not.. but I truly believe that somewhere she is sleeping next to a fireplace of a caring owner who’d found her. I love Cookie so much and miss her alot, she was such a beautiful cat with an inspiring and positive personality. MISS YOU COOKIE.

You can tell by the name right? Whenever I see photos of him I smile and laugh because he was such an interesting cat who in the middle of the night woke us all up screaming because he brought in a gift for us- A RAT! Hahaha. He had his own catdoor upstairs in my mum’s room. And used to drink water from the glass! But he’s in New Zealand taken care of. I miss Gingy so much! LOVEYOUU.

Oh Biscuit. Where can I start with you? Biscuit is in india with me, and boy is he an explosion of annoying, cute, lovable and funny! Wow. This cat loves to sleep in sinks (as you see above) he loves to sleep in plastic bags and he loves to annoy people. He has this really mischievious face, and he thinks that annoying and irritating people is his hourly and daily job. But he’s just a wonderful cat and has made our life in India much more exciting.
I love you biscuit! And I can’t wait till you grow up and stop scratching me everyday! ;) LOVE YOU ALWAYS.

Well I had to shorten that a lot because I didn’t want you to get bored.

-Aana Kambhoj . Grade 8