23 Mar 2012


It is been a roller coaster ride being with the zestful bunch from Gr 8..... we have experienced so  much in the past seven months that there is a connect with them now . Time has flown as it always does .....and we are back with the peep into our world.... 

Experience of the camp

Overwhelming joy did cloud over me in that freezing cold. I wouldn’t swim from the fact that it that the water was freezing! But I actually enjoyed the ecstasy of the fray. It was a long and tiring journey of about fifteen hours which rather landed us in a calm atmosphere beside a river. We did rest and relax and finally went for hiking in the later part of the day. The next morning we geared ourselves for the rock climbing and further splashing in the river, and then we were off to bed. We flipped, zoomed and enjoyed the other day which was a day out .We finally ended up with a talent show night. The camp was one roller coaster ride for all of us …. We were so tired and but we had a whole lot of fun; Before we knew it we were off to school too…back to where we started !
Anshika (Grade 8)

Book review: Vampire diaries: the awakening

The vampire dairies is the best book I’ve ever read! The genre of this book is Action, Supernatural and Romance. It is about a girl called Elena and about what happens in her town called Mystic Falls. Elena a popular and person to look up to but when a person called Stefan came into her life, everything changed. When Elena met Stefan, she really wanted him. But when ever there was an accident Tyler Smallwood always blamed that Stefan did it. But when she confronts him, she catches Stefan while he was eating a dead dear. Elena found out the he was vampire, his brother and his horrible history about Katharine who is the doppelganger of Elena. When Damon came in Mystic Falls, he wanted Elena but she didn’t want him. In the end Damon provokes Stefan to fight, after the fight Stefan disappears and Elena thinks that Damon is the cause for Stefan’s disappearance.
When I started reading  the book I couldn’t stop, the first time. I really enjoyed the story which was fantastic. Although the ending isn’t good ,but  I really wanted to read the second book. Till now I  have bought all the 5 books of Vampire Dairies and I read them all! I really want the get to read the next book. 
-Swagata (Grade 8)

The Yamuna trip

After taking a trip down the Yamuna River flow from Haryana to Delhi, all that attended had their eyes opened as they actually saw two sides to the worshipped deity. We went to Haryana to see the real blue Yamuna and later we went onto experience the disgusting, black river that was Delhi’s part of the Yamuna River.

Upon our initial arrival to Haryana’s side of the Yamuna, many of us were expecting a black, rubbish filled river. But to our surprise, we actually saw a blue river! And that was the Yamuna River, which many of us couldn’t believe at first and we were allowed to look around and all we could see was beautiful scenery with the sun shimmering over the river itself. We were all surprised to see this River in its true blue form. But we knew what was about to come but its intensity would be fairly underestimated.After seeing the Yamuna River in its true blue form. We were all anticipating the now dead black river that would be found in Delhi. 

That was exactly what we found. But the intensity as I mentioned before, was underestimated and we found out that we had to go for a boat trip into Yamuna. It was explained before going on the boats, that a barrage covered the Delhi’s Yamuna and Haryana’s Yamuna. 

It was a shock to everyone that Haryana and Delhi were in conflict with the Yamuna as neither were ready to share their part of the Yamuna. As a result, without the flow of fresh water, the River was unable to clean itself and thus, it became black, not only because of this but also because of us.

It was also explained that all of our drains lead out to the Yamuna, so it is like we treat a worshipped deity as a rubbish bin for bystanders and for us. We were disgusted to see that the Najafgarh drain lead out here and all of our waste would eventually lead out to here. But upon seeing the result of our actions, we were all dumbstruck to see that this was mainly because of us

I think the trip really opened our eyes to see what we did. I think we will all be a little more considerate of how we treat our river now.

                                                                                -Advitya (Grade 8)

Book review: The hunger games

The Hunger Games is one of the best books I have ever read. It’s about this 16 year old girl named Katniss; she lives in a place called District 12. There was a place once called North America, but the Capitol (the leader of the Districts) had separated and made 12 districts. And Katniss lived in District 12. District 12 is quite a poor place where many families struggle to get food for themselves and their family. After Katniss’ dad died in a mine explosion when she was around 11 (Katniss’ dad was a miner) Katniss had to feed and take care of her family throughout her life. Her dad used to teach her how to hunt, so she knew a lot of skills on hunting and she was an expert on arching. Katniss hunted with her closest friend named Gale. Katniss and most of the families including Gale were very poor, that they could hardly get food, so they had to hunt for animals like squirrels, rabbits, and they would then trade these animals at the market for berries or something. Even bread was considered as luxury.

As punishment for a previous rebellion against the Capitol in which a 13th district was destroyed, one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each district are selected by annual lottery to participate in the Hunger Games, an event in which the participants (or “tributes”) must fight in an outdoor arena controlled by the Capitol, until only one remains. All the people aged from 12-18 and some family members gathered at the town square, in which the names were called out to participate in the Hunger Games. Katniss’ sister who’s 12 surprisingly got called out. Katniss who dearly loves her sister, volunteered to take her place and fight in the games. Then a boy named Peeta, who once gave her bread to feed her starving family, had been called out too.
Once all the names from the districts were called out, 24 kids from the age of 12-18 had to fight to stay alive in an outdoor arena. If you are the last one standing, you get rich and famous. The kids are then taken to the Capitol (a rich city) and begin to train for about 5 days. Peeta and Katniss are known as the “Star crossed lovers” and are a fan favourite. Once they are finished with the training and eating rich food that they’ve never seen before, they are taken to the outdoor arena to fight and stay alive. On the first day of the games, 11 tributes get killed, by people stabbing them etc. Katniss and Peeta are very good friends and are sad that only one can live. Katniss and Peeta team up and with Katniss’ skills of hunting, she can survive pretty well. But it’s scary to think that any tribute can come and kill them any second, so they need to watch out. The Hunger Games are televised to all the districts, and all the tributes are praying for their child to stay alive, while other fans are just watching it tributes kill each other in a bloody way. Everyone is loving the love birds Katniss and Peeta. Once the Capitol say’s in the microphone that two tributes from the same district can win, Katniss and Peeta (coming from the same district) immediately try and find each other, and they do. They fight for survival, and eventually, they kill the last tributes with their severe injuries and obstacles. They are then rushed to the hospital and taken care of their injuries in which Peeta has to get one of his legs amputated and replaced with a mechanical one. Peeta and Katniss have survived the hunger games, and are ready to face the world of rich and famous, something they wouldn’t have dreamed about coming from the poor backgrounds.

There are two more books continuing the series, where you find out what happens to Peeta and Katniss.
I love this book, it is so thrilling and a must read!! You wouldn’t want to put it down!
On March 23rd, a major film of this book will be in the theaters, with actor’s like- Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Liam Hemsworth.
-Aana Kambhoj (Grade 8)

Goa- The Indian paradise

When you arrive in Goa, you think that you are in another world. It is completely different than; for example Delhi. Everywhere you go, you can see palms and the red earth. When you’re in Goa you must visit the SNM, (Saturday Night Market) this bazaar is next to a long palm fringed bank of the beautiful Baga creek& salt pans of Arpora there are many shops of international designers and a great choice of food from countries all over the world. Another “must see” is the Flea-market in Anjuna. It is every Wednesday and an ideal place to spend a day out, amidst coconut palms and next to a beach with beautiful cliffs. There also is a big offer of doing watersports for going in Disco’s or Casino’s at the night. If you like animals you can join a dolphin-watching trip. They leave at different places and from 6 o’clock to 8 o’clock. When you are tough enough and have good nerves you can go for a snake or crocodile watching trip. If you are more a type of relaxing there are many good beaches with nearly white sand and light-blue water. But sometimes the waves can be very high, about 1.5m to 2m. Anyway in Goa everyone finds something he/she likes and can enjoy the little paradise. I LOVED THE GOA EXPERIENCE .
Julia (Grade 8)

Math fair also...:)

In the maths fair we were presenting our board games, which we already did  in our maths class as a group project. We were divided into 4 groups each group did a fantastic job by designing their  board game. We had to be very careful with the board games, their rules, the age group, and the design. Normally these   games take 6 weeks but we did it in 5 days.
So we were in the art room 2 presenting our board games.  Pulkit , Udai and I were presenting each board games, I was presenting 2 games and I also needed to help Udai on his game.  These board games showed me how  the parents reacted  and  some of them were smart. A parent took a deck of cards which had math questions in it and he solved in his mind in 2 seconds!! I was impressed.
We were taking turns  to present the board games. It was tiring but fun.
Pritish Kumar Grade 8

Math Fair

The fair was on 16 March 20, 2012 and Udai, Pritish and I were in the maths fair. We had to conduct the board games that we made as a project for maths, in this project, we were divided into four groups and we also had to talk about how we use technology to study Math.
So miss gave us one topic each and then we had to prepare a speech on it and then speak about the topic. Udai had to explain the game and tell people how to play it. Pritish had to tell people about what we learn in maths class. He talked to many parents, and they all were impressed by the teaching method.
 I had to talk about how we study maths with technology, so I told them about Moodle, and how it works.
My experience in the math fair was very good. I really enjoyed telling about the Moodle and explained my group’s board game to different people and offered them to play too. I was happy to participate in math fair because it helped me gain my confidence level.

- Pulkit (Grade 8)

The Science Fair

We, the students of Pathways Noida had a fair on the 16th of March. Parents, teachers and students were invited. The students in the science fair had to conduct and perform experiments. We had to keep in mind that the activity the students performed had to be interactive. We did not let our teachers or our parents down as everybody was interested in our experiments. The parents were also very interactive as they all cleared their queries. It got a bit tiring as we had to explain over and over again. On the bright side, we all learnt a lot that day. Overall it was a lovely experience for everyone.
Tanmay (Grade 8)

ICT fair

For the fair I had to do present   my project on information technology. I had to make a game of snakes and ladders. To make this I had to use a programme called Visual Basic. This program allows you to code and make a digital version of snakes and ladders. It took 3 days to make; when it was ready I had to present it at the fair.  I had to wait for people to come in and then once they came to my stall I had to challenge them to a game of snakes and ladders. They would be player 2 and I would be player 1, I made it so I would always win, but sometimes it didn’t work.
Overall the ICT  project was fun and  I really enjoyed it

Aash Fenton Grade 8

Pathways School Noida for me …

  I have just joined school and find it as the best school I have ever been to .Here the studies are fun and I enjoy it a lot. And the study tour and camp was also very fun. Classmates are all friendly and kind. And I should be thankful to the teachers and my friends. At first, I was not good at English but they were helping me. My friends even teach me Hindi. While learning Hindi I really enjoy it and it’s so fun!!  Now I like India better than Korea.  After 5 years when I will come back to Korea, I will miss India and Pathways school very much.
-Seoin Lee