10 Feb 2012

Form Tutor....tuts

The  old gave way to the new year , we give way to our new  young leaders . New thoughts sprout from fertile ground, so we let them grow their own plants and shrubs in their live's gardens! While the New Year beckoned us with many promises,we never  forgot to give the old year its due.  While we  teach them to live on their own, Our children teach us  to celebrate each moment of life; yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
welcoming the new students to class  we celebrate the presence of the love and strong bond that  exists amongs the students of the class.
                                                                                                Ms.Gayatri Singh

The book I read was Alex Rider: Skeleton Key. It’s an action, thriller, mystery and science fiction. Basically Alex is a talented 14 year old boy who knows karate, 4 different languages, he’s smart, flexible and very talented but he wants to be a normal school boy. He knows what he is capable of but he just wants a normal life and normal friends like every other school boy. His uncle dies and Alex finds out that his uncle was a spy working for MI6, and now MI6 is forcing him to take his uncle’s place. Alex is assigned a mission where he almost gets eaten by a shark, shot in an ambush and getting cut in half. General Sarov is planning to drop a nuclear bomb in a country and starting world war 3. Alex has to go to the island called Skeleton Key and stop the General with his fellow agents. He has to act like a son but he has no experience and his agents hate him, then how will he manage? How will he stop the evil General? He has to risk his life on a strange island to save the world. Alex doesn’t want to do this but MI6 is forcing him to.  The author is Anthony Horowitz. There are many series to Alex rider but this is my favorite. 

Pritish (Grade 8)

Practice: Sports Day

                                               The Sports Day Practice

Earlier , if I even heard the words “Sports Day”, I never used to have a very good feeling about it, but since I started school here I enjoy sports.Now I am excited about the day, the activities, and the competitions between people.  Also, I have improved at sports since I started. The activities seem very easy, but when you start learning, you have to follow specific rules, and that becomes hard. This idea of the Annual Sports Day is just great! I can’t wait until this day comes, and until then I will practice and practice and practice, and that is what matters…for now.

                                                                                        Swagatalaxmi Gr 8

Music Lessons

                                                                      We love them .......

                                   The peaceful sound of the perfect music in the class and coming from the hearts of the students. It is one of the Best classes in this school, and if there was nobody on this earth who does not like music has no compassion for anything. You may be thinking what is so special about music? It has a big impact on me and my class because what we do is very nice, peaceful, relaxing, and FUN!  We not only are given liberty to perform independently but when we are working as a group we are at our best.  I say it is the best way to enjoy and interact with everyone. So if you ask me if music is fun Of course it is FUN! I love my music lessons and teachers … I love the freedom with which we are allowed to be the in the classes.

                                                                                                         Karan  (Grade 8)

What I feel......

                                            REPUBLIC DAY


Someone truly said – “The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage “. 
26th January the day when the India “adopted” its own new constitution in the year 1950. It has been 62 years since we have been celebrating this day.  Every year the national flag is hoisted by the President at Red Fort.  I love to watch the parade, some it’s boring but to me it’s something I eagerly wait for. Through the parade I realize that we are a very powerful country, and if we work together there is nothing that can stop us. I feel ashamed to know that some people in India take it as a holiday which means a day off from office or school. Many people don’t even know the significance of Republic Day.  In my opinion, every citizen of India should know the significance of this day and take pride to be members of a great and developing nation.

Parth (Grade 8)

Holiday Experience

When our holidays started, I was very excited about what I would do in the holidays.  I had decided that I’d have fun the whole day and not study. After spending a couple of days doing that, Christmas came and then New Years and I did have a lot of fun in those special days.
In 10 to 12 days I had to go to Hong Kong and Macau. First I went to Macau and enjoyed our hotel stay a lot. There were so many things to entertain yourself in the hotel that you didn’t feel like going out.
I then went to Hong Kong, My mom and dad had their business fair so during the day I just spent my time playing my Playstation. In the evenings I did a lot of shopping and saw many interesting things. After 3-4 days in Hong Kong I returned to India.  I had a very nice time , the malls and the shops and all the people were so nice .i wish we can keep going back to Hong kong    
                                                                                                                            Tanish (Grade 8)

Transition from England to India
The Transition I made from England all the way to India was not the easiest of them. Even though my family had always made it a habit to come to India as part of the holidays meant that were always up to date with what was going on within the family and in India itself. Though after living in England for 8 going into 9 years, I felt my future always lay in England, friends, education, and job. To me, England was my future and I couldn’t see myself going anywhere else.
After finding out 4 months prior to the moving, I was totally against the idea of us moving back to India. I say this because my father had a choice whether to go or not. I did everything in my ability to convince my father to reject the offer, my effort was to no avail as I found out 1 month later ... WE WERE MOVING! After creating a strong relationship with my friends in and out of school, I felt so sad to leave them just as we were about to begin a year that was bound to be filled with fun as my cricket tour was about to come up in the summer and Duke of Edinburgh expedition was also quickly approaching so I felt bad having to leave events in which I would have many more memories with my friends.
Although a great positive send off from my friends was what I would’ve loved and it was exactly what I got with a great day out with my friends taking ample memories which I’m sure they won’t forget and neither will I. My 8 years in England would never be forgotten by me or my friends, I accept the fact that I would learn more about my home country and be more exposed to the big wide world.After missing my House Rugby event for the 2nd time in October, I left  for India to find out what would become of my schools, at first my choice was the British School as they had an exact copy of the British curriculum so I thought it would be a much easier choice. But due to some difficult situations I was left to resort to Pathways which I do not regret. After coming to Pathways I was put off straight away by the ongoing construction. I later noticed the small number of students in the school in comparison with the size of the school campus, this came as a big surprise as my previous school in England had a fairly small campus mainly comprising of the sports field but the rest held 1200 students.
After filling the forms and walking right into the door of my future classroom, I was greeted with big smiles and happy shouts of joy as to the new addition of their form. A warm welcome is what every student needs when they enter a school at any time during a school term. It was a day I will not forget as I quickly made friends and was overjoyed to hear how close everyone here was, relationship-wise and distance-wise too.
On the whole, it was a successful transition as far as my social life was concerned but now the work starts and my school begins. It is going to be just as big a rollercoaster ride as my last school. I’m sure.

Advitya (Grade 8)