10 Feb 2012

Transition from England to India
The Transition I made from England all the way to India was not the easiest of them. Even though my family had always made it a habit to come to India as part of the holidays meant that were always up to date with what was going on within the family and in India itself. Though after living in England for 8 going into 9 years, I felt my future always lay in England, friends, education, and job. To me, England was my future and I couldn’t see myself going anywhere else.
After finding out 4 months prior to the moving, I was totally against the idea of us moving back to India. I say this because my father had a choice whether to go or not. I did everything in my ability to convince my father to reject the offer, my effort was to no avail as I found out 1 month later ... WE WERE MOVING! After creating a strong relationship with my friends in and out of school, I felt so sad to leave them just as we were about to begin a year that was bound to be filled with fun as my cricket tour was about to come up in the summer and Duke of Edinburgh expedition was also quickly approaching so I felt bad having to leave events in which I would have many more memories with my friends.
Although a great positive send off from my friends was what I would’ve loved and it was exactly what I got with a great day out with my friends taking ample memories which I’m sure they won’t forget and neither will I. My 8 years in England would never be forgotten by me or my friends, I accept the fact that I would learn more about my home country and be more exposed to the big wide world.After missing my House Rugby event for the 2nd time in October, I left  for India to find out what would become of my schools, at first my choice was the British School as they had an exact copy of the British curriculum so I thought it would be a much easier choice. But due to some difficult situations I was left to resort to Pathways which I do not regret. After coming to Pathways I was put off straight away by the ongoing construction. I later noticed the small number of students in the school in comparison with the size of the school campus, this came as a big surprise as my previous school in England had a fairly small campus mainly comprising of the sports field but the rest held 1200 students.
After filling the forms and walking right into the door of my future classroom, I was greeted with big smiles and happy shouts of joy as to the new addition of their form. A warm welcome is what every student needs when they enter a school at any time during a school term. It was a day I will not forget as I quickly made friends and was overjoyed to hear how close everyone here was, relationship-wise and distance-wise too.
On the whole, it was a successful transition as far as my social life was concerned but now the work starts and my school begins. It is going to be just as big a rollercoaster ride as my last school. I’m sure.

Advitya (Grade 8)

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