19 Nov 2011

When you go through so much pain of the time of war the only thing to do is hope to get out of this mess alive, and see your family. War scares and threatens us, it makes us think, and there is no question that we all. The 8th and 9th grade experienced an interaction with a war veteran who fought in 3 of the Indian wars, Col. S.C Luthra. He talked about his experience in war and his life as a soldier. We really enjoyed our meeting with him. The best thing about the class was that everyone looked like that they were imagining the war itself. 
We have been doing the history of the World between Wars I&II.  lesson 2.3 is based on the war on the different fronts and life in trenches and how the war strategies are made etc. the students found this lesson very interesting and had a lot of questions . Miss thought it would  really nice if we  could get  to speak to someone who has been in wars , if not the world but the Indian .  The students were very excited at the prospect so our teacher assigned us a task :to maintain a “soldiers’ diary “ . that way not only would did we  get the feel of a soldier’s life but also enhance our knowledge and understanding of the topic.   On the 4th of November'11 we got  a  war veteran as a resource person to come and meet and interact with the  us students .  He is Col. Luthra and has been in the three wars the country has fought .
The thing that shocked me the most was the way the soldiers were treated. For example, the food that they were given and how they received it. Another is the clothing. They had no proper foot wear and coats. So what we learnt was that the wars were worst and the bloodiest. 
 What we  also realized was that  the world as we know it has already fallen into corruption and is  also a complete war. there may not be shelling and bombing in the battle ground but the way we treat each other and the way we treat our values is sad! All I wish is that we all could stand up and be the ones to stop this war. That is what my real dream is.


    Karan Malhotra(gr 8)
     Ms. Aprajita Ralli                                                                                                                                                                            

My Personal Project

The personal project is an excellent opportunity which is provided to the students to work on something which is very close to their heart. It will help the students master time management and also help them to develop their planning, research, analysing, reflecting, essay writing, bibliography, recording, self-criticism, meeting deadlines, presentation skills. The question which people usually come up with is why do we have to do the personal project??? The answer is reasonably simple; we are doing the personal project to improve our skills for our own future. The personal project is unique since it is only grade 8 that gets to do it. Every student has a supervisor to guide the student for all his tasks. There is a major role of the supervisor. There was an overwhelming response from teachers to take up the role of supervisors and thus they got it. The project is assessed on 7 criteria. The student has to maintain a process journal since the process is as important as the product. We were first told about the personal project in September. But then we thought that it was jolly good. But now April looks only a mile away. So we students better buckle up for the bumpy ride ahead of us.
I think it is a great experience for all the MYP  students to gear up for IGCSE and IB. I do not have much to write since I am a first timer ; but I can tell you from what I have heard that the personal project makes you think and to choose a topic which you are passionate about . The project would be accessed on project journal, reading and writing material and the final outcome. Our first round of discussions have begun and we are all geared up for the long road ahead.
As you can see below we meet our supervisors who are like our guides and share our passion.

(Tanmay Grade 8)


Since I was a little kid I was always interested in art, and I was inspired by my mother who is a great artist. When I came to Pathways I was more inspired by the art because every day I see more and more paintings!  Mr. Anil Goswami, the art teacher, he is the best in art. When he begins, it seems very simple and easy to draw, and then  it becomes a master piece.  I think that is exactly why Pathways School Noida chose him, as the best art teacher in the world.  I think that I have a lot of fun in art and I learn lot more things than I did before.
Now we have begun to draw on very big sheet of paper using water colours. I am very interested in what I am doing.  Anil sir gave me lots of ideas and also he has tried to understand my concept in art. That helps me a lot to make my piece of art better.
I guess that I am proceeding very well. I think this is going to be great and I really hope after finishing my piece I will be proud and I really hope Anil sir does too…
                                                 This is my mum’s painting, I really love her work.
(Swagata Grade 8)

OUR NEW INPUT...... Meet our teachers

We thought we'll start with something new this time, so now we want to introduce you to the teachers and we started of with Mr.Mark Mowry.He runs the reading program for us in school. He came all the way from America. And we wanted to know how it feels like to be in India for a long time.This is what he shared......

The Indian Experience

Since coming to India I have had some amazing experiences. Some of them have been terrific, some astounding, and some, plain overwhelming.
India feels like a 24X7 carnival when you first arrive. The sights, sounds and smells are unusual and exotic. Cab drivers and street hawkers vie for your attention, and if you stop for even an instant, you’ll be swarmed by people wanting to take you somewhere, or sell you something, or people who just want listen to the conversation. It’s often difficult to understand what’s going on. And things are never as they seem – what you’d expect to be costly isn’t, and what you think looks cheap or tawdry actually isn’t.
Things here are so different,  that you’d think it was intentional, as if someone decided to do everything just the opposite from the other. But since India was here first, it must be the U.S. that decided to be different.
Carnivals are a lot of fun, but after awhile you want to leave the carnival and find a nice, quiet place; Good luck finding it!

-M. Mowry

Ratting Out

An exhausting but memorable experience. After practices every day the final performance dawned upon us. Butterflies had started growing in my stomach, the overture started playing and I was super ready to get the spot light. I was dressed in a councillor’s costume with heavy makeup and jewellery. I made my way onto the stage and got ready to give an amazing performance.  The spot light fell on me and I started speaking my lines. Despite how nervous I was the musical went great. Starting from a little fight with Tushar to my last act of giving a cheque everything went well and I could hear a huge round of applause start around me. This experience taught me that every challenge should be faced head on and I thank all my teachers for their help and love .

Sohini Singh
Grade 8

To help and support the society, WE the students of the Middle School Pathways are committing ourselves to the cause. As part of the P.U.L.S.E programme, In order to be sensitive and experience the under privileged around us, a visit to the NGO GOONJ was organized. It was a guided tour where we all got an opportunity to witness the processing and recycling of used clothes and other material. We interacted with the staff and interviewed the volunteers and staff of the NGO. Our school will also try and contribute to the cause.
To quote Mr. Anshu Gupta’s (CEO of Goonj) mission is to make clothing a matter of concern. All our products are made from the last strands and shreds of the cloth, paper and other household material we get after sorting out the wearable, usable stuff. This product is made out of torn cloth/jeans, audio tapes etc. People discard. There are no designer minds at work; it’s largely the ingenuity of our own minds”

 For details, do log on to:

our initiation in to GOONJ

                                                              Guided tour
                                                       when the saints go marching in
                                                                The good Samaritans

                                       The finished products .......
We surely came back enlightened and charged from Goonj and we promise to do our own bit …….just as they segregate the clothing we will good from evil …. At least in our own little way!
   (Aana Kambhoj Gr8)

18 Nov 2011

Do Names Reflect Our Identity?

Well, I totally support that because I think my name (Swagata) reflects my personality and my identity. Both of my parents say that I am very nice and they think that I am very welcoming (Swagata means Welcome). And I bet that barely anybody has the same name as mine, and I love that because that makes me unique. The only thing that makes me unique is my name.
I think that every name is reflecting theirs, unless it is a negative meaning because I think a negative name is not a good influence on the person. I also cannot imagine someone naming their child something with a negative meaning.
But I can surely assure you that every name that reflects us is the best thing in our identity.  And I also hope that every person who is reading this can understand my opinion and you can also share your opinion personally! Hope you also have a name which reflects your identity! 

-Swagatalaxmi Aich (Grade- 8)

 (Aana , Swagata Grade8)