19 Nov 2011

When you go through so much pain of the time of war the only thing to do is hope to get out of this mess alive, and see your family. War scares and threatens us, it makes us think, and there is no question that we all. The 8th and 9th grade experienced an interaction with a war veteran who fought in 3 of the Indian wars, Col. S.C Luthra. He talked about his experience in war and his life as a soldier. We really enjoyed our meeting with him. The best thing about the class was that everyone looked like that they were imagining the war itself. 
We have been doing the history of the World between Wars I&II.  lesson 2.3 is based on the war on the different fronts and life in trenches and how the war strategies are made etc. the students found this lesson very interesting and had a lot of questions . Miss thought it would  really nice if we  could get  to speak to someone who has been in wars , if not the world but the Indian .  The students were very excited at the prospect so our teacher assigned us a task :to maintain a “soldiers’ diary “ . that way not only would did we  get the feel of a soldier’s life but also enhance our knowledge and understanding of the topic.   On the 4th of November'11 we got  a  war veteran as a resource person to come and meet and interact with the  us students .  He is Col. Luthra and has been in the three wars the country has fought .
The thing that shocked me the most was the way the soldiers were treated. For example, the food that they were given and how they received it. Another is the clothing. They had no proper foot wear and coats. So what we learnt was that the wars were worst and the bloodiest. 
 What we  also realized was that  the world as we know it has already fallen into corruption and is  also a complete war. there may not be shelling and bombing in the battle ground but the way we treat each other and the way we treat our values is sad! All I wish is that we all could stand up and be the ones to stop this war. That is what my real dream is.


    Karan Malhotra(gr 8)
     Ms. Aprajita Ralli                                                                                                                                                                            


  1. very thoughtful, both your grandfathers are very proud to read your feelings about the wars as they were a part of these wars too.

  2. Very well written and illustrated. I am glad you have understood what it is like to be in the war and how a soldier lives through difficult odds. You will learn a lot more when you maintain a 'Soldirs' Diary. I agree with you that war is never a good option and the fight against corruption is no less a war which we all must stand up and fight. I wish your dream comes true.Dadu
