26 Feb 2012


"Life skills are abilities that help us to adapt and behave positively so that we can deal effectively with the challenges of everyday life"- WHO

The new globalised world is throwing new challenges in front of the younger generation. To equip them with the skills to cope up with this changing world, it is essential for them to get exposed to different situations and environments. Adventure camps will provide students with opportunities to develop many skills which will help them to lead a successful life. We, at Pathways are looking forward to safe, fun filled and educative adventure camps.  
     Ms. Gayatri Singh 

The Sports Day

I would have never thought that I would enjoy sports, but when I entered Pathways I was thrilled to discover the  sportsman in  me and I was happy that I found it. The sports practice was very hard and tiring but when the day came I was so excited and when I started playing I couldn’t stop ! The idea of the sports day was to enjoy sports but what we saw was competition. It was the competition between the four houses; Air, Water, Fire and Earth. I was barely thinking about that until the relay race came.  
I was participating in relay race between Grade 6 to 8. I couldn’t think about anything other than imagining a dog running behind me.  When I finished my part I could see that the last person in my house was coming  I was cheering and  shouting for us to win.  After I finished the first relay I wanted to stand and support the people going for the relay. But when I noticed that my house captain was calling for me, I ran up to him and he told me that I had to go and do the relay again. As I looked to my opponents I realized my brother was standing in the line in his house. And I just couldn’t think of anything except that- I AM GOING AGAINST MY BROTHER! I used the same tactic which I used at my first relay. We did well in the race. Then we  had to assemble in our houses and had to sit for the prize distribution. When they finished the primary and the 6th grade distribution they announced the first 3 winners and I heard my name come out of the speaker and  I was so excited  I ran and jogged  to get my medal. At the end of the day I GOT 4 MEDALS which were my first four. I was proud of myself and so was everyone who knew me.   I am so happy with my achievements. It was a wonderful experience  , hope I win even more medals next sports day !!! 

                                                                                         -Swagata (Grade 8)

leadership ....

John C. Maxwell said – “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.”
I have been elected as the class representative of Form 8. The students of our Grade are the ones who have elected me as their class representatives. There was a proper procedure where all the candidates had to give speeches and present their ideas to the whole class. I had never done such a thing before and was very excited and bit nervous too. I had always dreamt of this moment and when I became the class representative I was thrilled. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and I believe this is a step towards what I would love to achieve in the future. My goal is to become the School President. When we had trial elections I lost badly. I consider myself lucky that Dr. Advani wanted another set of elections where all the candidates would have to present speeches. So I got another chance, and I grabbed this opportunity with both hands and ensured my position as one of class representatives. I feel proud to represent my Grade and be their voice. I have not made any false promises. I will ensure to fulfill them and live up to their  expectations. I am happy that people have trusted me and selected me as their representative. People’s trust is the most important thing a leader should have. 

I know that if Grade 8 works as a team we can move mountains and achieve almost everything. My main goal will be to create a better bonding among the students of Grade 8 and make them work together as a team. 
Since I had started with a quote I would like to end with a quote by Helen Keller – “ Alone we can do so little , together we can do so much “

                                                                                    -Parth (Grade 8)




ROOM WITH THE VIEW ...Aash and Pritish went exploring  




MARCHING AHEAD ...... GR 8 WITH  Ms. Dipti 








Form 8’s trip to the Anangpur and Surajkund  villages was one of a kind. Many of us students carried preconceived notions about villages. But I am sure most of us were proved wrong. After arriving in Surajkund, we were greeted by the Itihaas guides. We were then told about the history of the villages. We met the village “sarpanch” and a few villagers. We also met students of a local government school and learnt more about them. We had an unfortunate experience in the school. But as our teacher rightly said that it was just an unfortunate episode in our lives and we should move on and not cry over spilt milk. Overall the trip was brilliant since we got to know how a village functions and how much it can still improve.

 Tanmay Diwan 

Eragon..... Read It

Eragon is the first book of the inheritance cycle. The inheritance cycle is the name of the series written by Christoper Paolini. The book is about a young farm boy who had lost his parents when he was very young. He then had to live with his uncle and his cousin. He hunts for food. The boy’s name is Eragon. Once when he was hunting he found a shiny stone. The stone turned out to be a dragon egg. There was a raid and Eragon’s uncle was killed. Eragon thus has to escape from the hands of the army of King Galbatorix who wants Eragon’s dragon. With only Brom, the village adviser for company Eragon and his dragon Saphira has to face the forces of the evil king.

-Sohini Singh.

Irish Puppet Show


On Tuesday 14th February, Pathways experienced something really different from what we expected. An Irish man name- Tommy Baker put on a hysterical puppet show for the whole school in the MYP Atrium. Everyone was enjoying themselves and laughing the whole time and it was great fun. Tommy was basically the only person doing the puppet show, and he had to act as several different characters who happened to be different people from his (made up for the story) family. The two main characters he acted out were himself and his brother; he kept swapping these roles throughout the show. The sound effects provided along with the show gave a really good effect. The little Primary kids were rolling on the floor laughing. (Literally)
I liked how Tommy Baker interacted with the audience and just made the whole thing memorable.

-Aana Kambhoj (Grade 8)

Internet safety week has been a spectacular week for students and teachers. It was very productive. We made posters about how dangerous internet can be. How it can hurt people’s feelings. The theme of the posters had to be creative and beautiful. I made my poster not that g which didn’t come out as good J;but there were some student who made wonderful posters.  And I also feel there were students who copied some posters, that’s what I experienced . Our school is full creative students who produce some unimaginable work. Pathways rocks.
