26 Feb 2012

leadership ....

John C. Maxwell said – “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.”
I have been elected as the class representative of Form 8. The students of our Grade are the ones who have elected me as their class representatives. There was a proper procedure where all the candidates had to give speeches and present their ideas to the whole class. I had never done such a thing before and was very excited and bit nervous too. I had always dreamt of this moment and when I became the class representative I was thrilled. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and I believe this is a step towards what I would love to achieve in the future. My goal is to become the School President. When we had trial elections I lost badly. I consider myself lucky that Dr. Advani wanted another set of elections where all the candidates would have to present speeches. So I got another chance, and I grabbed this opportunity with both hands and ensured my position as one of class representatives. I feel proud to represent my Grade and be their voice. I have not made any false promises. I will ensure to fulfill them and live up to their  expectations. I am happy that people have trusted me and selected me as their representative. People’s trust is the most important thing a leader should have. 

I know that if Grade 8 works as a team we can move mountains and achieve almost everything. My main goal will be to create a better bonding among the students of Grade 8 and make them work together as a team. 
Since I had started with a quote I would like to end with a quote by Helen Keller – “ Alone we can do so little , together we can do so much “

                                                                                    -Parth (Grade 8)

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