26 Feb 2012

Irish Puppet Show


On Tuesday 14th February, Pathways experienced something really different from what we expected. An Irish man name- Tommy Baker put on a hysterical puppet show for the whole school in the MYP Atrium. Everyone was enjoying themselves and laughing the whole time and it was great fun. Tommy was basically the only person doing the puppet show, and he had to act as several different characters who happened to be different people from his (made up for the story) family. The two main characters he acted out were himself and his brother; he kept swapping these roles throughout the show. The sound effects provided along with the show gave a really good effect. The little Primary kids were rolling on the floor laughing. (Literally)
I liked how Tommy Baker interacted with the audience and just made the whole thing memorable.

-Aana Kambhoj (Grade 8)

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