19 Nov 2011

OUR NEW INPUT...... Meet our teachers

We thought we'll start with something new this time, so now we want to introduce you to the teachers and we started of with Mr.Mark Mowry.He runs the reading program for us in school. He came all the way from America. And we wanted to know how it feels like to be in India for a long time.This is what he shared......

The Indian Experience

Since coming to India I have had some amazing experiences. Some of them have been terrific, some astounding, and some, plain overwhelming.
India feels like a 24X7 carnival when you first arrive. The sights, sounds and smells are unusual and exotic. Cab drivers and street hawkers vie for your attention, and if you stop for even an instant, you’ll be swarmed by people wanting to take you somewhere, or sell you something, or people who just want listen to the conversation. It’s often difficult to understand what’s going on. And things are never as they seem – what you’d expect to be costly isn’t, and what you think looks cheap or tawdry actually isn’t.
Things here are so different,  that you’d think it was intentional, as if someone decided to do everything just the opposite from the other. But since India was here first, it must be the U.S. that decided to be different.
Carnivals are a lot of fun, but after awhile you want to leave the carnival and find a nice, quiet place; Good luck finding it!

-M. Mowry

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