19 Nov 2011


To help and support the society, WE the students of the Middle School Pathways are committing ourselves to the cause. As part of the P.U.L.S.E programme, In order to be sensitive and experience the under privileged around us, a visit to the NGO GOONJ was organized. It was a guided tour where we all got an opportunity to witness the processing and recycling of used clothes and other material. We interacted with the staff and interviewed the volunteers and staff of the NGO. Our school will also try and contribute to the cause.
To quote Mr. Anshu Gupta’s (CEO of Goonj) mission is to make clothing a matter of concern. All our products are made from the last strands and shreds of the cloth, paper and other household material we get after sorting out the wearable, usable stuff. This product is made out of torn cloth/jeans, audio tapes etc. People discard. There are no designer minds at work; it’s largely the ingenuity of our own minds”

 For details, do log on to:

our initiation in to GOONJ

                                                              Guided tour
                                                       when the saints go marching in
                                                                The good Samaritans

                                       The finished products .......
We surely came back enlightened and charged from Goonj and we promise to do our own bit …….just as they segregate the clothing we will good from evil …. At least in our own little way!
   (Aana Kambhoj Gr8)

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