19 Nov 2011

My Personal Project

The personal project is an excellent opportunity which is provided to the students to work on something which is very close to their heart. It will help the students master time management and also help them to develop their planning, research, analysing, reflecting, essay writing, bibliography, recording, self-criticism, meeting deadlines, presentation skills. The question which people usually come up with is why do we have to do the personal project??? The answer is reasonably simple; we are doing the personal project to improve our skills for our own future. The personal project is unique since it is only grade 8 that gets to do it. Every student has a supervisor to guide the student for all his tasks. There is a major role of the supervisor. There was an overwhelming response from teachers to take up the role of supervisors and thus they got it. The project is assessed on 7 criteria. The student has to maintain a process journal since the process is as important as the product. We were first told about the personal project in September. But then we thought that it was jolly good. But now April looks only a mile away. So we students better buckle up for the bumpy ride ahead of us.
I think it is a great experience for all the MYP  students to gear up for IGCSE and IB. I do not have much to write since I am a first timer ; but I can tell you from what I have heard that the personal project makes you think and to choose a topic which you are passionate about . The project would be accessed on project journal, reading and writing material and the final outcome. Our first round of discussions have begun and we are all geared up for the long road ahead.
As you can see below we meet our supervisors who are like our guides and share our passion.

(Tanmay Grade 8)

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