10 Feb 2012

What I feel......

                                            REPUBLIC DAY


Someone truly said – “The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage “. 
26th January the day when the India “adopted” its own new constitution in the year 1950. It has been 62 years since we have been celebrating this day.  Every year the national flag is hoisted by the President at Red Fort.  I love to watch the parade, some it’s boring but to me it’s something I eagerly wait for. Through the parade I realize that we are a very powerful country, and if we work together there is nothing that can stop us. I feel ashamed to know that some people in India take it as a holiday which means a day off from office or school. Many people don’t even know the significance of Republic Day.  In my opinion, every citizen of India should know the significance of this day and take pride to be members of a great and developing nation.

Parth (Grade 8)

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