16 Dec 2011

A tweet from the Form Tutor

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and most patients of teachers. -  Charles W. Eliot

There are a number of pathways to learn the essential lessons of life. One of the most enjoyable ways is through books. The school organised Literary Week, Read-A-Thon and a Book fair in the last fortnight to emphasize the importance of reading books. It was heartening to see the full fledged support of the parents for these activities. We hope for the continuation of such support in the future as well.Now is the time for festivities and resolutions as the New Year is approaching. New Year is the perfect time to look back into the past and make plans for the future. I wish, one of your resolutions is, to be continuing reading.
Wish you a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year. 

-Gayitri Singh (Form tutor of Grade 8)

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