16 Dec 2011

Anita Roy’s interview

On 5th of December, a famous Indian author named Anita Roy visited Pathways Noida. I feel very lucky to have gotten such a wonderful opportunity to interview her.

In our first session she introduced herself and we got to know more about her. You could probably write what she has written about, and name a few books. After that, she read a wonderful story for us which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. As part of the Editorial Board committee, I also got to interview her with a couple of other students. We asked her several questions; my question for her was– “While writing a book do you think before writing every paragraph?  Like do you think about where to put the plots, settings and other major parts of a story or you just keep writing and these things come to you automatically?” She said that she thinks before writing every single part of her book, which I thought was very sensible. This experience has helped me a lot for my personal project as I am also writing a book and I would like to thank Mrs. Anita Roy for clearing all my doubts.

-Parth (Grade- 8)

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