16 Dec 2011

A word from the world of Design and Technology

 In all my life I thought being a teacher wasn’t  hard but I was completely wrong. From what I have earn about Design & Technology , it is a very complex job.  Some of the objectives of the lesson are     learning technical drawings on computers, and big paper sheets. The most  interesting activities to me  are  the usual wood crafting.  I realize  design and technology  is very important for our lives , our grade and for our  career.

THIS IS WHAT WE  LEARNT , when we met Mr Roger  our D.T Teacher ...                  
what do you think about pathways school by its self?
Pathways, it is a very unique opportunity for Indian students to get education in a different way, more creative way.

So what does it take to be good in Design & Technology?
 It take practice, accuracy, Skills, and effort.  

Well, how do you feel when you interact with students, do you enjoy it?
Yes, as a teacher of course I enjoy it, it is very interesting to get to know different personalities.

 what do you expect from the students next year?
That students should be punctual and more attentive ,  a little more organized . 

Swagata and Karan Malhotra 

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