23 Mar 2012

Experience of the camp

Overwhelming joy did cloud over me in that freezing cold. I wouldn’t swim from the fact that it that the water was freezing! But I actually enjoyed the ecstasy of the fray. It was a long and tiring journey of about fifteen hours which rather landed us in a calm atmosphere beside a river. We did rest and relax and finally went for hiking in the later part of the day. The next morning we geared ourselves for the rock climbing and further splashing in the river, and then we were off to bed. We flipped, zoomed and enjoyed the other day which was a day out .We finally ended up with a talent show night. The camp was one roller coaster ride for all of us …. We were so tired and but we had a whole lot of fun; Before we knew it we were off to school too…back to where we started !
Anshika (Grade 8)

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