23 Mar 2012

The Yamuna trip

After taking a trip down the Yamuna River flow from Haryana to Delhi, all that attended had their eyes opened as they actually saw two sides to the worshipped deity. We went to Haryana to see the real blue Yamuna and later we went onto experience the disgusting, black river that was Delhi’s part of the Yamuna River.

Upon our initial arrival to Haryana’s side of the Yamuna, many of us were expecting a black, rubbish filled river. But to our surprise, we actually saw a blue river! And that was the Yamuna River, which many of us couldn’t believe at first and we were allowed to look around and all we could see was beautiful scenery with the sun shimmering over the river itself. We were all surprised to see this River in its true blue form. But we knew what was about to come but its intensity would be fairly underestimated.After seeing the Yamuna River in its true blue form. We were all anticipating the now dead black river that would be found in Delhi. 

That was exactly what we found. But the intensity as I mentioned before, was underestimated and we found out that we had to go for a boat trip into Yamuna. It was explained before going on the boats, that a barrage covered the Delhi’s Yamuna and Haryana’s Yamuna. 

It was a shock to everyone that Haryana and Delhi were in conflict with the Yamuna as neither were ready to share their part of the Yamuna. As a result, without the flow of fresh water, the River was unable to clean itself and thus, it became black, not only because of this but also because of us.

It was also explained that all of our drains lead out to the Yamuna, so it is like we treat a worshipped deity as a rubbish bin for bystanders and for us. We were disgusted to see that the Najafgarh drain lead out here and all of our waste would eventually lead out to here. But upon seeing the result of our actions, we were all dumbstruck to see that this was mainly because of us

I think the trip really opened our eyes to see what we did. I think we will all be a little more considerate of how we treat our river now.

                                                                                -Advitya (Grade 8)

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