23 Mar 2012

Math Fair

The fair was on 16 March 20, 2012 and Udai, Pritish and I were in the maths fair. We had to conduct the board games that we made as a project for maths, in this project, we were divided into four groups and we also had to talk about how we use technology to study Math.
So miss gave us one topic each and then we had to prepare a speech on it and then speak about the topic. Udai had to explain the game and tell people how to play it. Pritish had to tell people about what we learn in maths class. He talked to many parents, and they all were impressed by the teaching method.
 I had to talk about how we study maths with technology, so I told them about Moodle, and how it works.
My experience in the math fair was very good. I really enjoyed telling about the Moodle and explained my group’s board game to different people and offered them to play too. I was happy to participate in math fair because it helped me gain my confidence level.

- Pulkit (Grade 8)

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