23 Mar 2012

Math fair also...:)

In the maths fair we were presenting our board games, which we already did  in our maths class as a group project. We were divided into 4 groups each group did a fantastic job by designing their  board game. We had to be very careful with the board games, their rules, the age group, and the design. Normally these   games take 6 weeks but we did it in 5 days.
So we were in the art room 2 presenting our board games.  Pulkit , Udai and I were presenting each board games, I was presenting 2 games and I also needed to help Udai on his game.  These board games showed me how  the parents reacted  and  some of them were smart. A parent took a deck of cards which had math questions in it and he solved in his mind in 2 seconds!! I was impressed.
We were taking turns  to present the board games. It was tiring but fun.
Pritish Kumar Grade 8

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