2 Dec 2011

Math Lessons

“Arithmetic is where the answer is right and everything is nice and you can look out of the window and see the blue sky - or the answer is wrong and you have to start over and try again and see how it comes out this time.”
Carl Sandburg
 Yes that what the concept is. I have always believed - try-try and you will succeed. All that is required to be good in Mathematics is practice. After all, practice makes perfect. Well our Maths lesson is not like any other Maths lesson; in fact it is one of the lessons we look forward to. There are many reasons for  that. - One being the fact that we get to use our laptops. We all love to work on our laptops, I mean we’re in the 21st century and we don’t want to write on paper when we already have laptops. Miss Sunanda (Our Maths Teacher) uploads assignments on Moodle. For those who don’t know what Moodle is, it’s an online document where you can upload assignments. Miss also uploads videos on Youtube, and trusts me it’s a wonderful opportunity for all of us to get to learn new things. We can watch these videos again and again till we understand the entire concept .We do a lot of self-studying, which enhances our comprehension skills. I personally have learned new things like uploading videos on Youtube, how to print-screen files and how to use the calculator to its optimum always exciting when we can do things on our own and our Math lessons give us that opportunity
-Parth (Grade 8)

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