2 Dec 2011

British School Trip

we enjoyed  what we did ...

Mr. Anil  -  our mentor 

our creation

great minds at work !!!

On the 1st of December 2011, 6 members of Pathways School Noida from Middle School went on a trip to the British School for an art project. We left at 7:30 in the morning and arrived at 8:30. We were sent to the assembly hall for an introduction to all the schools that came. There were at least 15 schools that came to the British School. They started the day with singing, they sang songs about peace and gave us a presentation of what peace means to them. They then told us what we had to do for the project and then we were sent outside to our table to start our project.
Our first project was to draw and paint something that resembles peace onto a kite; we finished it in 1 hour. After that, we breakfast. For breakfast they had really nice cake and samosa, along with different varieties of drinks. After that we had to paint a sculpture of a bird coming out of an egg; Sohini and Ketan did that and I helped a little bit too. That was a fun thing we did. After a fun day, we headed to the buses back to school.
-Aash Kambhoj (Grade 8)

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