14 Sept 2011


                                              OUR CLASS ASSEMBLY

On the day when we the students of grade-8 had the assembly I was a little bit nervous And scared because I had to do 3 presentations. I was thinking that if anything goes wrong what will happen. But, the others were also nervous like me and had a little bit stage fear but everyone spoke very well and the presentations also went good. All the teachers and DR. ADVANI were very impressed by our assembly and appreciated all of us for our work. They, also liked our topic “ARE WE WILLING TO CHANGE” and told that the topic that we chose WAS VERY NICE .what gave us a feeling of PRIDE was that our assembly was declared A MODEL ASSEMBLY . That coming from Dr. Advani was a major boost to all of us . we will continue to do better and create a change as we go along .


  THE "class APART"
                                            parth kapoor -the compere

  Udai - "the sportsman"

                                                 concerns we shared
                                             Tanmay Diwan: national new reporter
                                                     Aash Kambhoj: with international events
                                               pulkit kapur's sporty inputs
                                               Karan's witty Internationalism
                                                         Swagata's School   round-up
                                                           Aanna's insight
                                                             Tanish ...... that's me .

                                                                                                                                          TANISH SADH

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