9 Apr 2012


 On 31st March, a car company called Toyota decided to organize an assembly on Hybrid cars.
  We had to watch a video on hybrid cars which was about the difference between hybrid cars and normal cars .They showed us that hybrid cars conserve more energy and use less fuel, which  results in helping our environment. They gave us a kit which had small parts of a hybrid car, and we had to assemble them. They gave us  instructions on how to do it and a video if we weren’t able to understand how to do it . There was also staff support if we needed help. I think that it was a good experience, and it felt great to be able to make our own hybrid cars.

 hybrid car is a new type of car which doesn’t use too much fuel and conserves energy ; in brief, it is a car that helps the environment.
 We were taken to the multipurpose hall on the last period, and we had to watch the video.  Then they gave us a kit in which we were given parts and had to assemble them together to make a mini hybrid car that runs on solar power and battery power. We were given instructions on a sheet and, if we didn’t understand that we could watch the video that was on the screen above. There were also staff members that helped us.  In the end we were able to test our Hybrid cars with solar energy and it felt really good. Overall it was a good experience, and we could even take our cars home.

                                                              -Aash & Pritish  (Grade 8)



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