19 Aug 2011


Today, Anna Hazare is the face of India's fight against corruption, he is a social activist, who is self less lie fighting for the cause of the people.   He is a Gandhian and believes in non – violence.  The whole country has joined him to fight against corruption. People, the common man and well-known personalities alike, are supporting him in the thousands swelling to lakhs.
 Developing countries like India though have achieved democracy but are still fighting to imply them.  15 August was the day we got independent and 16 August was the day he got arrested. He didn’t do anything that was against the laws  .           
 SO WHY WAS HE ARRESTED? My patriotism for the country   increases   whenever I think about Aana Hazare. People are expressing   solidarity by organizing rallies in their colonies. I took part in one such rally which was held in my colony,  my friends and family and I participated enthusiastically; we just  loved the whole excitement and experience . I hope Anna is able to achieve what he set out to . I am a proud "ANNAITE" today.
Parth kapoor

Grade 8

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