2 Sept 2011


                                         My New Laptop!!

I just got my own new laptop for my school. I could never believe that I was going to get my own laptop at such a young age. I thought I was going to get one in like 3 years or more. How I got the laptop is a long story.

When I was going to join the school , I just got admitted, they told me that I needed my own laptop for the school and I was muttering to myself “What are they talking about?”.Then I looked over to my brother, he was calm and cool but I
was full of excitement. My first week in the school was okay but every other teacher and students kept asking me all the while when I would get my laptop and that made me more excited. Every day I asked my father to buy me the
laptop as soon as possible but it didn’t work because they were too busy.
However, I persisted and I begged them to busy me the laptop! They agreed to buy one. One day when I came back home I stopped short! Right in front of my eyes were two cardboard boxes and when I opened them I saw two laptops, one for my brother and one for me. My life was full of joy!!! And when my father came back home he was going to install all the anti-virus and other things. But then my father told that I would have to wait for another day to take it to school because he needed more time to install.

The next day I was proud to take the laptop and feel more comfortable because before everyone was taking laptops everywhere and I was feeling a bit odd. Everything was great about the laptop but the only thing which I had a
problem with was I had to carry more than books…

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