2 Sept 2011


                                         LOCKED OUTSIDE

Thank god! I had finally reached my house. When I was in the bus it felt as if the needles of the watch had stopped moving and I got struck in the bus forever!. It was like time had stopped and I would remain in the bus; maybe because I was eagerly waiting to reach my house that  time had slowed down for me. I was very tired because I had attended two physical education lessons  in a row. I was as tired as someone running for hundred kilometers. When I got off the
bus I was only thinking about making tang and then sleeping on my cozy bed. I rushed towards my apartment like women do when there is a sale in the market!

When I reached my home, my jaw dropped split wide open! Because there was a lock on the door. I had stopped breathing for a minute; I couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. I ran to check if my brother had kept the keys in the letterbox. I searched but my hard work a
sheer waste…All that to no avail. My brother had gone for a farewell party and had taken the keys with him. I pinched myself to check if I was it was a dream . My eyes were perfectly fine, I wasn’t in a dream and there was a lock. The sun was stinging me like a bee. The sweat drenched all my clothes . I just wanted to put ice all over my body. That would have made me feel great, but unfortunately, I couldn’t do that. I was miserable and angry; I could feel my
shoulder paining, but alas I couldn’t do anything about it. We left our bags at our neighbours house. My mother tried to call my brother, but he wasn’t answering his phone. We called again and again, but no reply. After five minutes we got a call from him and my god weren't we relieved …. Thrilled like we had struck gold ! he told us the keys were in the letter box and
asked us not to call again as phones were to be switched off while the function was on .
We again checked the letter box but we couldn’t find the keys. Then we got a message from my brother saying that he had the keys in his bag. I felt like bursting at him but somehow I
controlled my emotions.
He said that he would come back by 8:00 pm. If he said that he would be coming by eight then surely he would come after nine o’clock! That’s him! The worst part was that he was partying in an air-conditioned room and we were sitting in the burning sun. It was like I was a vegetable and was being fried in a pan. My brother advised that we go to the market. But we couldn’t spent five hours in a market! We decided to go to the mall, but as you know at  each step I have problems. Here, we had three problems – one was that we couldn't go to the mall
because the car keys were at home and we couldn’t fly; the second one was that we didn't have enough money to spend and the third one was that dad had gone out of station. We
decided to go to the mall by metro. The metro was as crowded as a fish market! We didn’t even get a place to sit over there.

Finally, we got off the metro and reached Sector 18, Noida. We again had to apply our brains but this time for a good reason as we had to decide which place we would eat at. We decided to eat at KFC. My stomach was growling and my mouth watering. I ate my meal slowly and was enjoying each and every single bite of chicken. After that we went to Mc Donald’s and ate our favourite ice-creams. In a way we were having lots of fun! I returned home by metro and  my brother had still  not come. We again waited for half an hour for him to come and I was feeling a little uncomfortable as I was still wearing my school uniform . The mosquitoes made
the situation even worse. Finally at 9:30 my brother came and we entered our house; I took a sigh of relief. We didn’t have the energy to discuss the situation. I changed my clothes and went off to bed.
I learned to make the most of the situation you are in and I had quality time with my mother. It was an opportunity for me ,infact a wonderful experience  and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

                                                                         Parth kapoor 

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