2 Sept 2011

It always takes time

                                It always takes time ...
It always takes time to get used to something and then like it especially a new environment and system. I felt I had been pulled out of my “comfort spot “On the 1st day of school.
First day at pathways Noida, I was very shy and I did not understand much but little by little I started understanding the concepts and made friends. Can you believe it! The most boring class was DT ? It  stands for design technology” we had to draw lines and cut it but when I did it became a puzzle then I realized that it was not at all boring it was quite interesting. There is something to learn from every experience, isn’t it?
After that on day 2 I had fun and enjoyed the classes I played best in the P.E period and did many things WHICH PLEASED ME. 
TODAY,After so many days , I think that Pathways is a good school the way of teaching is good and we can improve our academics .I AM GLAD I CAME HERE

                                                                     TANISH SADH

1 comment:

  1. I am happy to know that you have settled well.

    Sunanda Sandhir
