2 Sept 2011

                                                       Life of school
     The essence of independent education is somewhat different and difficult. We never  had there  any fun activities such as dances, and games during lunch. So even though all this is fun, there could be more things happening in our school to make it even better and exciting. There is one we could all do, which is to start a club called leadership. Leadership is about planning and deciding things to do for the school: to raise money and charity, stuff like that  we would need to spread the word around, talk to  our juniors and  initiate projects and much more .
looking forward to an eventful and adventurous  year ahead !  So I hope you all would contribute your ideas to this and we can launch something new and exciting

                                                                                                          Karan malhotra


  1. Karan - the fact of thinking about starting a club, is in itself, "leadership". True leaders don't just sell the tickets for the journey, but they also help take us to the destination. Leading by example is the best way to lead and achieve your goal. Start with "I wish I could do this" or "I wish I this could be done this way". Doing something for the school is an excellent thought. Something which will not just be doable, but beneficial to the students and the school. What you want to do in a leadership club, must be wide ranging and equally challenging, to bring out that one thing which is most important of all the leaders, which is 'Character'. And off course, teamwork makes things happen.
