30 Sept 2011

My connection with Pathways

                                           Linking Winds
“Knock knock. Wake up Sohini!!!!” I heard my Mother knocking on my door trying to wake me up. “Yes mom I’m up, I said” I went outside and saw my mom’s and my sister’s luggage all packed up and ready to go! It was my mom’s flight back to India I remembered!!! “Oh no, you’re leaving today!!”
 I screamed in front of my mom. I jumped and gave her a BIG hug. She told me to sit down on the table as she wanted to talk to me; I sat and started listening to her. “You are moving back to India three weeks from now” she said to me. I said nothing and just walked towards my room without saying a word, it felt like the world stopped moving around me; everything was left behind and I was walking all alone. It was the longest  walk from the dining room up the stairs to my bedroom.
I was sad and everyone understood and could see that and the worst part was that I had to leave in THREE WEEKS!!! Well , then came  the last day in the United States, I wanted to be alone at home. I was packed and ready to go, well not really ‘ready’ but I had to be. We were at the airport when everyone was quite and not saying a word. 
I reached  India. Got my luggage and was ready to go home, everyone was quite in the car looking at me because they understood I was not ready to move or in the mood to talk. 
Two months passed and yet I wasn't ready to do anything ....My mom wanted me to go to school now. Pathways Noida… There we go! Here comes a challenging time for me. All I knew was that Indian schools are very tough on students  and I won’t ever be   able  to catch up, but fortunately I was so wrong.
 When we went to Pathways and the teachers told me how it went on there  and  I talked to all my teachers I was so happy and felt at home. 
“Ring Ring...” my alarm rang in the morning and “knock knock” on the door my mom trying to wake me up. All ready for school my first day in the bus, I was a little scared but thought it would be fine. “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” screamed this girl in my ear as I was sitting like a typical new student all quite and looking out the window. “Hey?” I replied in a weird way as I didn’t know her yet. So we started to talk and she came sat next to me and she kept going on and talked so much that she even forgot to ask my name! well that I thought was nice , she totally made me feel at home and was so open with me. 

That was the point I said to myself “it’s not that bad!” I was so happy. I liked  the school, and when I met my teacher downstairs ;she started talking to me  and I felt so special .The whole day passed and it was just “AH-MAZING!”. Came back home in the bus and just loved it! I’m the last to get off the bus  stop ,which is the best part because I get to see everybody and get to know them.  The days pass by with so many new things and we have  so much fun . 
I love being in school and now look forward to it every day!
Sohini Singh
Grade 8

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