30 Sept 2011

Pulse and I …

 PULSE lessons help us in understanding few very important   facts of  life .PULSE stands for  Pathways to  Universal Life Skills Education . We have PULSE  because it keeps us strong and  ready to face  challenges in the long run in life .It teaches us not to bully ,or hurt some ones feelings, that there are things apart from luxury ,there are animals who are killed for  our pleasure. P.U.L.S.E helps us to realize the importance of these things which seem very small but in reality are very big. We throw food and there are people who are dying day and night for food . 
We are shown powerpoint presentations during our sessions , which helps us understand  things better and bring to us a real picture  beyond the fairytale which we create for ourselves .
P.U.L.S.E helps us in coming out of our small worlds  and seeing the others' needs and problems. I feel  it makes us ready to face the world and to be a   better person . 


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