1 Oct 2011

The History That I love .....

I love history…that’s me….coming straight to the point. From river civilizations to the Cuban missiles; every bit of history interests me. So in school we started off with the world war and its causes. I had never been taught this before so I did some research. Everybody knew that war would break out…all they wanted to know was when? They soon got their answer. Germany at that time was tired of being dominated by the 3 main superpowers (Britain, France and Russia). Germany thus had wars with many countries…they even managed to take Alsace-Lorraine from France!!! I understood the basics of the war but did not know how to get detailed facts….
We were  assigned   a country each… I got lucky and got Russia. So I got to know facts form the opposition’s perspective. We had to get information about our own country and show why they entered war. England, France and Russia were devastated when they saw Germany coming up to their level. They ,thus tried their best to suppress the opposition. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated and war broke out.  Germany from their unfortunate location had to fight war on 2 fronts. To their left was France and to their right was Russia. The Scheifflen plan was made. Scheifflen, a member in the German army, knew that it would take a few weeks for the Russian army to start their attack. So the plan suggested that France should be attacked first. The plan went terribly wrong for Germany…………………… THAT IS WHERE WE ARE…UNTIL THE NEXT UPDATE….GOOD BYE AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!


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